Michael Moore: The Visionary Filmmaker Shaping American Democracy In 2023 

Michael Moore's Saving Democracy in 2023

Michael Moore’s Fight for Democracy in 2023 is a call to action for all citizens of the United States to stand up and fight against voter suppression, fascism, assault on women’s rights, book banning, and inequality. He seeks to inspire, inform, and empower individuals to get involved in the fight against these injustices plaguing our society.

Now more than ever, I believe we need to organize with leaders like Michael and vote these extreme fascist’s out; let’s kick them out. We need to pass the commonsense laws we have agreed on for years. We, the majority, need to wake up and unite not only to save democracy at the community, city, county, state, and federal levels but to make it stronger. We need to finally connect and stand guard for democracy 24/7, 365 days a year; folks, it’s time to innovate and remain vigilant in protecting American Democracy for the long term.

See more about empowering the moral majority (LINK TO another internal article)

Rumble 2023 Podcast:

American citizens are responsible for voting to uphold human rights and secure democracy. We must support advocates who fight for updated policies that will protect our freedoms. For years, Michael Moore has been one of those vocal advocates. As a film producer, activist, and now a radio host, he has dedicated his life to preserving the democratic values that make our nation great. His podcast, ‘Rumble,’ is an informative radio program that inspires Americans to act within their political landscape. And his website is the place you can go to help support a better democracy. Through timely conversations on pressing issues and effective strategies for creating sustainable change at the local, state and federal levels, Moore urges us to act now to keep democracy alive for future generations. “Rumble” discusses current topics, strategies, and actionable steps for inspiring change. It is crucial to maintain these discussions to ensure the survival of democracy for future generations. Join the cause, and let’s endow our democracy with the values and freedoms it deserves.

Direct Democracy, The People’s Referendum:

The first time I heard of the ability that certain states give the public to propose a law and secure it on the ballot was while listening to the Rumble podcast. How cool is that? I think it’s a tool we all need to use more effectively. Twenty-six states, plus the District of Columbia, allow the public right to take initiative legislation action. In other words, propose a law and secure its submission on the ballot. See states and processes with initiative or referendum ability at BalletPedia.

I’ve got an idea, if you’re in a state that doesn’t provide initiative referendums, get a petition going at Change.org.  Contact your local representative, and insist they put a referendum on the ballot in the next election.

A Visionary Filmmaker:

Michael Moore has been creating poignant and thought-provoking documentaries for over 30 years. His filmmaking style combines humor, satire, and investigative journalism to address controversial topics while illuminating essential issues. Moore’s films “Bowling for Columbine,” “Fahrenheit 9/11,” or even better Fahrenheit 11/9 interview and The Trailor from 2018  together it’s a stunning re telling of 2016 election. Also “Sicko,” among others, have made him a recognized voice in American democracy. One of my favorites is  The Planet Of Humans. Which highlights the fact that a lot of our sustainable tech is not as green or sustainable as we thought. Moore always advocates for social justice, political reform, and progressive values. He has been the recipient of many accolades, among them the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature for his work on “Bowling for Columbine.” He is also a bestselling author and has actively participated in various political campaigns and movements. Moore is a visionary filmmaker for a 21st-century American democracy, using his art to raise awareness on crucial matters that continue to promote positive change.  


Impacting America:

The works of Michael Moore have significantly impacted American politics and society. He has undoubtedly influenced how people think about many important issues while raising awareness of new solutions. His documentaries have sparked meaningful conversations about gun control, healthcare, and the war on terror, among other topics. “Bowling for Columbine” helped to bring attention to the issue of gun violence in America. At the same time “Fahrenheit 9/11” criticized The way in which the Iraq War was managed by the Bush administration, most recently, has posed serious questions as to the sustainability of renewables as we know them and in “Planet Of The Humans.” Spotlighting what I believe may be the most significant barrier to solving Global Warming—the innovation of full-circle green technologies. Moore’s films have inspired political activism and encouraged people to get involved in the democratic process. His work has profoundly influenced American culture and politics in the 21st century by challenging the status quo.

And his films have been unique in their ability to be a positive catalyst for change in American society. His ability to use humor and satire to address serious issues has made his work even more desirable to a broad audience. For example, “Sicko” exposed the flaws in the American healthcare system and sparked a national conversation about the need for reform. Similarly, “Capitalism: A Love Story” criticized the excesses of Wall Street and the impact of corporate greed on American society. 

Controversy And Criticism:

Michael Moore’s approach to storytelling and activism has been unique and compelling, because of his use of humor, emotion, and hard-hitting facts to engage his audience and make his message resonate. Moore is not afraid to take on controversial topics and challenge the status quo, which has earned him praise and criticism. His films often feature interviews with everyday people impacted by the issues he addresses, which helps to humanize the stories and make them more relatable. 

While his films have an impact and influence, opponents have criticized them. Some say he exhibited bias and distorted facts to serve his interests. While others have criticized his use of humor and emotion, arguing that it undermines the seriousness of the issues he addresses. Despite these criticisms, Moore continues to be a prominent voice in American democracy and a champion for social justice. Moore’s calling for presenting a realist report of the facts while addressing the people’s perspective to awaken the solutions is refreshing and needed to build a better democracy.

One of the most contentious interviews conducted by Moore occurred in Bowling for Columbine (2002) – Charlton Heston Walks Out SceneHe posed pointed questions and presented a photograph of a deceased child, leading Heston to depart. This type of activism elevates Michael as a powerful symbol of justice and reform. Michael truly excels when advocating for the marginalized and disenfranchised victims of extreme political views. This interview is a stark reminder that sensible gun control measures remain lacking, leaving our children vulnerable. With gun violence in schools the  primary cause of children’s death, every day without implementing common-sense legislation results in more irreversible bloodshed and shame on our collective conscience. Together we must use our voting power to change this, don’t take no for and answer.

The Future:

As Michael Moore continues producing intellectually stimulating films, documentaries and podcasts, his impact on American democracy can only enlighten more people to wake up and pick up the torch for a more humane democracy. With his distinct knack for highlighting crucial matters, inciting discussions, catalyzing innovation, and standing up for the little guy, he has emerged as a formidable representative for transformation. While not universally embraced, his methods continue to shape public sentiment and champion social equality for the better. We hope Michael Moore continues to forge ahead as a trailblazing filmmaker and social reformer. Addressing critical issues and amplifying underrepresented voices are crucial in steering our American democracy towards an exemplary union, particularly when facing threats from mis guided extremists.

Taking Action 2024 Elections

The majority must implement the commonsense legislation we agreed upon years ago. As the majority, we must awaken and join forces to not only preserve democracy at all levels – community, city, county, state, and federal – but to fortify it to make it better. We must come together, to be constantly on guard for democracy every day of the year, not just presidential elections. It’s our time to lean in embrace innovation and take action to safeguard American Democracy for generations to come. 
