GearFlo: Innovating A Humane Tech CO/NPO TO EMPOWER PEOPLE & DEMOCRACY  

College students Hows the extreme addiction to smartphone via campus students scrolling while walking, not looking up

The GearFlo Journey: Constructing the Future of Humane Technology and Democracy Welcome to GearFlo and Empower Humane Tech Magazine – a revolution in the making. As a burgeoning Innovation Think Tank, we diligently champion a more humane, user-centric tech future. The seeds we’ve sown over a decade of product design, testing, and conceptualization are the […]

AI And Humane Tech Experts Warn Of Human Extinction And Solutions Needed 

2023 AI Experts Warn of Human Extinction: World scientists are warning Artificial Intelligence (AI) risks human extinction, stating that it may be on par with global war. AI has grown increasingly powerful in 2023, prompting experts to raise alarm bells. This new technology holds game-changing implications for humanity. Sam Altman, the founder of Open AI, […]