AI And Humane Tech Experts Warn Of Human Extinction And Solutions Needed 

2023 AI Experts Warn of Human Extinction:

World scientists are warning Artificial Intelligence (AI) risks human extinction, stating that it may be on par with global war. AI has grown increasingly powerful in 2023, prompting experts to raise alarm bells. This new technology holds game-changing implications for humanity. Sam Altman, the founder of Open AI, is among those who believe that AI could benefit mankind in many ways or lead to dire consequences if left unchecked. He said: “The potential risk from misuse of AI is greater than all other risks we face today combined… It’s a real and present danger.”

Experts have highlighted several areas where AI could be dangerous, including autonomous weapons systems and facial recognition software used for surveillance. Here are some of the more pressing concerns.

  1. Autonomous Weapons Systems: AI could empower autonomous weaponry, which could have dire consequences if misused.
  2. Surveillance: Facial recognition software and other AI technologies could be used to increase surveillance, infringing on privacy rights.
  3. Manipulation: AI can manipulate public opinion, potentially causing political and social instability.
  4. Misinformation Campaigns: AI could be used to create and spread targeted misinformation, further exacerbating the issue of fake news and misinformation.
  5. Economic or Political Instability: Uneven distribution of AI power and access could create or deepen economic or political disparities.
  6. Data Control: There are ethical concerns surrounding the amount of control individuals have over their data and the decisions made by AI algorithms.
  7. Lack of Governance: The absence of proper governance and oversight of AI technology could pose a significant threat to humanity, as it might lead to misuse or unchecked advancement of the technology.
  8. Upcoming Elections: The potential misuse of AI in manipulating public opinion or spreading misinformation could significantly impact the outcome and fairness of the 2024 elections.

Ultimately, while there are risks associated with artificial intelligence, there is no denying its potential to enhance our lives in many ways. It will also require greater collaboration between nations so that all countries can benefit from this technology, not just those with the most resources and power. We can maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks by taking the necessary steps to ensure AI is developed responsibly.

Given these warnings, it’s clear that governments and the people need to act now while we’re still ahead of the AI growth curve. We must stand united and proactively take action to ensure AI is developed and deployed responsibly, ‘The AI Dilemma.’


  1. John McCarthy: Often hailed as the “father of AI,” John McCarthy blazed the trail in artificial intelligence. His career, marked by substantial contributions to AI, also involved coining the term “artificial intelligence” in 1956. Unlike others, McCarthy expressed skepticism about the likelihood of AI leading to human extinction, arguing that speculative fears of superintelligent AI posed less of an immediate threat than commonly portrayed. Instead, he championed the benefits of AI and its potential to solve complex issues and enhance human existence.
  2. Sam Altman, a notable American entrepreneur, investor, and computer scientist, began his journey in programming early and now holds the CEO position at Open AI. His achievements include co-founding the Y Combinator startup accelerator. Altman advises caution in AI development due to its potential to surpass human intelligence and compromise our autonomy.
  3. Elon Musk: Founder of several companies, including Tesla, SpaceX, Open AI, Neuralink, The Boring Co., and Zip 2, Elon Musk, a prominent American businessman and investor, consistently expresses concerns over the potential dangers of artificial intelligence. Musk considers AI as possibly the greatest threat to humankind and advocates for its careful management to prevent misuse. He played a key role in establishing Open AI, a nonprofit research company that ensures artificial intelligence evolves safely and ethically.
  4. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, cautioned that AI could evolve into a “new form of life” beyond human understanding. He advises that international collaboration is essential for ethical decision-making and regulation of AI development.
  5. Stephen Hawking, the legendary theoretical physicist, and cosmologist best known for his groundbreaking research on black holes, also ventured into artificial intelligence. In 2014, Hawking warned that the emergence of comprehensive artificial intelligence could potentially result in the downfall of humanity, underlining the need for stringent control and careful handling of AI.
  6. Prof. Stuart Russell, a revered figure in Computer Science Occupying the Smith-Zadeh Chair in Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, and with a background in Computer Science, significantly contributes to deepening our comprehension of artificial intelligence (AI). His notable work on AI has greatly influenced the development of modern machine-learning algorithms. As a dedicated computer scientist and AI researcher, Russell expressed concerns about the possible negative impacts of unchecked AI development.
  7. Demis Hassabis, as the co-founder and CEO of DeepMind, Demis Hassabis leads an AI initiative focusing on machine learning methods. His company, established in London in 2010, has significantly advanced. He advocates for careful and monitored artificial general intelligence (AGI) development to ensure its responsible use.
  8. Max Erik Tegmark, an esteemed Swedish-American physicist, cosmologist, and machine learning expert, presides over the Future of Life Institute. This professor of physics at MIT raised concerns that AI could be the best or worst event for humanity. Tegmark believes in prioritizing safety in AI development and supports establishing an AI regulatory body.
  9. Avram Noam Chomsky, a respected American public intellectual celebrated for his work in linguistics, political activism, and social critique, foresees the potential unethical utilization of AI. He raised concerns over AI-led surveillance, data mining, and opinion manipulation as possible threats to privacy and autonomy.
  10. Dr. Nick Bostrom,  a renowned philosopher at Oxford University and a Future of Humanity Institute member, specialized in futurism. He underscores the unique risks artificial general intelligence poses to humanity and advocates for addressing these concerns to ensure the technology’s safe evolution.
  11. Raymond Kurzweil, an accomplished computer scientist, author, inventor, and futurist, has expertise in various areas, such as optical character recognition technology. He voiced concerns about the possible dangers of artificial intelligence, emphasizing the need for careful regulation and ethical frameworks to manage intelligent machines.
  12. Jaron Lanier, acelebrated author of “Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Account,” is a recognized technology writer, computer scientist, and pioneer in virtual reality. Lanier vocalizes his concerns about the ethical implications linked to artificial intelligence. He criticizes AI proponents’ belief in computers’ potential to overtake human values and morality in decision-making.

HT AI Experts:

Tristan Harris and Azra Raskin, the brilliant minds behind The Center for Humane Technology (CHT), advocating for a more compassionate and ethical approach to A.I. technology.

  1. Tristan Harris, former design ethicist at Google, has emerged as a prominent voice in ethical technology. Recognizing the potential perils of unconstrained AI, Harris has tirelessly campaigned for the mitigation of tech addiction and the mindful use of A.I., particularly in the context of social media, smartphones, and computers. His insightful contributions have paved the way for a paradigm shift, championing human-centered design principles that place the well-being of individuals at the forefront.
  2. Azra Raskin, renowned for his exceptional expertise in humane technology, has established ethical considerations as the cornerstone of A.I. development. By infusing ethical frameworks and guidelines into the fabric of A.I. systems, Raskin advocates for a future in which fairness, transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights reign supreme. His unwavering commitment to transparency and explainability in A.I. systems addresses the pervasive “black box” problem, empowering users with a deeper understanding of the inner workings of these technologies. 

As these experts demonstrate, world leaders have a consensus that A.I. must be developed responsibly to avoid catastrophic consequences. As A.I. technology continues to progress, organizations, governments, and industry leaders must work together to ensure that the development of this technology is done safely and ethically. 

Europe’s AI Rules And Regulations:

The European Union (EU) has led in shaping AI regulation. They’ve developed an ‘ecosystem of excellence’ for AI, adopting a resolution in 2018 that emphasizes a human-centric approach respecting fundamental rights like privacy, dignity, autonomy, and non-discrimination.

Furthermore, the European Commission proposed new regulations in 2021 that aim at the safe and ethical use of AI. These regulations include the prohibition of specific AI applications, the promotion of transparent AI decision-making, and the enforcement of rigorous AI testing.

Expert organizations like the OECD and UNESCO are also guiding AI regulation outside of Europe. The OECD’s AI Policy Observatory report and UNESCO’s report underline the need for transparent, explainable, and accountable AI regulation to ensure trust in AI systems, safeguard human rights and foster peace.

Necessity for Humane Technology Solutions:

The potential risks of AI necessitate the application of the humane technology principle – a method that centers on human welfare, thus ensuring the continued control of technology by us. Fundamental ethical tenets such as privacy, security, and transparency are vital components of this approach, acting as collective bulwarks against detrimental uses.

Empathy plays a critical role in the HT-AI paradigm. By imbuing AI with empathy, an emotional connection between humans and technology is fostered, enriching the user experience and trust while enabling AI to understand human requirements better.

Furthermore, the establishment of ethical guidelines and standards is essential for the development and use of AI. As leaders in technology and policymakers, our task is to create frameworks that ensure the beneficial use of AI for society while preventing risks to humanity from issues of data privacy, algorithmic accountability, and transparency.

AI is a powerful tool with immense potential; however, it also poses significant risks, including the possibility of human extinction. Through the principles of humane technology, ethical regulations, and empathic design, we can harness the vast potential of AI while protecting humanity. It falls to us to ensure AI’s ethical development and deployment to mitigate any chance of human extinction.

Being a Humane Technologist:

As a passionate advocate for humane technology (HT), I firmly believe in addressing the AI dilemma from this empathetic and human-centric perspective. HT presents a compelling approach that prioritizes compassion, understanding, and a profound respect for human values in the face of rapid technological advancement. If we aim to infuse AI with human characteristics, like a metaphorical heart, then Humane Technology (HT) provides the necessary blueprint.

The conversation surrounding AI and its potential dangers lacks the crucial element of humane technology. In the pursuit of solutions, this omission can no longer be ignored.

With immense gratitude, I acknowledge the work of Tristan Harris, Azra, and others at the Center for Humane Technology. They are our trailblazers, shedding light on the current capabilities of AI and its foreseeable future potential. Their insights raised alarm bells about AI, t unimaginable just a few years ago. Most importantly, they underline the urgency of our situation and provide actionable strategies to respond to it today.

However, an impending question looms large: Who will implement these measures? With our government mired in extremism and our people divided, the need for collective action has never been more urgent. We must awaken and harness our collective will. Most of our populace agrees on the central issues threatening our country’s well-being.

Now, we must channel this collective agreement into action. We must engage with our political leaders, advocate for the right representatives, and enforce necessary legislation. With the AI dilemma, climate change, and political extremism posing severe threats to our society, we are at a critical juncture in human history. Together, we can overcome these challenges and chart a path toward a future where technology serves humanity rather than endangers it.


Sam Altman (2019). A Warning about Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved from

World Economic Forum (2020). What are the Risks of Artificial Intelligence? Retrieved from 

Center for Humane Technology